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 Root together in the sacred. 

Join Metsa in deep practice in our free online course to strengthen and reorient your attention.

We are at a place of transition on this planet. 

While many of us face fear, doubt, and disconnection, we know there is another way. 

This course provides stories from Metsa's life, reflection prompts, and practice suggestions to place ourselves, our humanity, in relationship with the natural world.

Are you ready to begin now?

This free course is a tool for:

  • Practitioners
  • Therapists
  • Seekers
  • Guides

…to discover a set of practices that deepen connection to the elements earth, fire, water, air.

…to shift our relationship with the environment, ourselves, and each other.

…to remember that our interconnectedness is sacred.

…to open ourselves to the incredible language of earth.

…to remember that we are all related.

When you invoke All My Relations or Mitakuye Oyasin, you are communicating that you are being sincere and focused in your words. You are placing yourself in relation with all things. You are invoking these relationships so that these natural forces can be a witness and co-manifestor to your prayer.


It’s time for us to change the relationships we have, and discover a language to engage with the lifeforce that is all around us. 


This is a journey to re-orient ourselves to our awareness, to discover the sacredness within, and to use these very old, deep technologies to come back to connection, with ourselves, with each other, and with the earth.

This course is designed to develop a deep practice within you.

The audios invite you into exercises that will inspire you to orient yourself to prayer and connect with the elements.

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Does it work?

One of the first people to listen to these recordings was met, soon after, by an opportunity…

There was an event planned, and some concerns arose just before, about whether it was safe to move forward, considering the plethora of reasons it might not be safe at this time in the world to gather. 

Our friend was present to the tools she gained from this course, and she decided to gather her friends and fellow organizers and hold space. They prayed for the safety of this event, and she facilitated a circle of intention for the highest and best outcome. She said she never would have thought of that, or felt like she was the one to create and hold that space, if it hadn’t been for this course. 

There is no way to know how this information will feed into your life. 

There is no telling, until you choose to step into it, how it might expand and unfold into your experiences moving forward. 

Reciprocity in Action

We are all related is a simple yet profound statement.

It is rooted in the Lakota phrase Aho Mitakuye Oyasin (pronounced mi-TAHK-wee-a-say or Mee-tah-koo-yay Oy-yah-seen), which means All My Relations or We Are All Related.

It is a phrase that reminds us of the interrelated and interdependent nature of the Cosmos and our place in it. 

This is an acknowledgement that is woven throughout the language and words of indigenous peoples. Lakota, Maya, Ancient Chinese, Sami, Inuit – these communities all share this manner of deep recognition and humility. Invoking in prayer the Creator, Great Spirit, the Great Mystery, Pachamama – Mother Earth, Sister Rain, Brother Wind, Father Sky is a way to be in personal and direct relationship with these forces of nature and the profound processes of the Universe and Creation. 

Donations from the course benefit Sacred Ways Foundation, Metsa's invitation to join him in directly funding medicine families and promoting indigenous cultural wisdom.

There is only this moment, and your opportunity, your choice to leap.

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Meet Metsa Nihue

Metsa, or Metsa Nihue as he is known to many, is internationally renowned in the field of Amazonian plant spirit medicine. He calls himself a vegetalista (vegetalist) due to his direct relationship with plants in South America. The Shipibo people of Peru call him an Onaya (medicine man). Many call him a “shaman,” but it’s a term he doesn’t promote.

Through ritual, prayer, ceremony, and song, he acts as an inter-dimensional traveler, a walker between worlds, helping people connect to themselves, to the invisible power of nature, and to the ineffable.

His journeys in the spirit realm began with music. As a teenager, eager to become a percussionist, he traveled the world and immersed himself in everything from Rastafarian beats and Indian mystical music, to Indonesian gamelan and Latin-Brazilian rhythms.

In 1996, seeking his own healing from addiction, he was introduced to Amazonian plant medicine and taken under the wing of a master medicine man from the Shipibo-Conibo community. Over the next two decades, he was trained in their ways, following strict plant diets in the jungle and learning the art of singing to heal.

Building on that initial training, he further immersed himself and developed his skill sets over the years through indigenous traditions from the Amazon (Quechua Lamista, Awajun), the Andes, the Native American Plains, and Gabon.

Today, his practice is focused on using the universal languages of singing and music to help people reconnect with the sense that we are all, in fact, connected.

The journey starts here...